McDonald's Is Making More Than 50 Changes To Its Burgers Next Year

If McDonald's burgers taste better next year, it's not a dream. The fast-food chain revealed dozens of major modifications to its famous burgers for early 2024.

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McDonald's announced changes to the Big Mac, McDouble, classic cheeseburger, double cheeseburger, and hamburger in April. They

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include using softer buns toasted to a golden brown, frying onions directly on burger patties, and melting all cheese. McDonald's senior

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director of global menu strategy, Chris Young, said in a recent interview that there will be many more changes than disclosed.

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On Nov. 30, Young told The Wall Street Journal that McDonald's is making more than 50 burger modifications, the greatest changes to its

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basic menu items in decades. While most of the details are still under wraps, we do know that the beef patties will be cooked in fewer batches

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for a more consistent sear, and the burgers will have more Big Mac sauce, meltier cheese, and fresher lettuce and pickles. 

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The fast-food restaurant continues to sell well, but its reputation with customers is tarnished. The American Customer Satisfaction Index

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(ACSI) Restaurant Study this year found McDonald's had the lowest customer satisfaction score (69%) of all fast-food chains, indicating that customers aren't satisfied.

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