Kroger's New Eggs Will Let You Check In on the Hens 

Kroger has taken the lead in marketing a better egg. Cincinnati-based retail business sells America's first carbon-neutral eggs.

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You undoubtedly know of cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised eggs. New carbon-neutral eggs are better for animal welfare

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This Dutch closed-loop production system houses egg-laying chickens. The innovative Dutch company Kipster Farms is working with Kroger and MPS Eggs

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The birds are raised in modern, solar panel-equipped henhouses with skylights, multiple garden areas, and "the birds have trees, rocks,

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climbing structures and other things to play on," MPS Egg Farms Vice President Sam Krouse told Farm Flavor.

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After viewing European henhouses, MPS erected four of these new ones in Indiana.

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Krouse says the chickens eat bakery by-products instead of corn-based diet and turn their waste into organic fertilizer to lessen their carbon footprint.

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This improves the birds' lives, but it's unclear how it affects egg quality. Simple Truth carbon-neutral eggs

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are currently only offered at select Ohio and Michigan Krogers. Next year, the company will add them to more stores.

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A QR code on the packaging links clients to a live webcam inside the new egg-production facility for transparency. See it here.

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