Ex-McDonald's Chef Reveals the Truth Behind the Broken Ice Cream

A McFlurry, shake, or ice cream sundae complements salty fast food. However, McDonald's aficionados know that the equipment that makes

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these delectable treats is unreliable and often breaks down. There's even a website, "McBroken," that tracks McDonald's locations with working ice cream equipment.

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With this happening so often, many consumers wonder: what's up with the machines? Former McDonald's corporate chef Mike Haracz appeared on TikTok to clarify.

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Haracz highlighted in a recent video that McDonald's ice cream machines are often working. Instead, they are being cleaned or the

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person who can assemble or disassemble them is absent. "If they are there, it's probably during peak time, so you know, two in

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the morning would probably be a great time to clean the ice cream machine, but with a minimal kitchen staff at that time, they're probably really busy 

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Haracz added that "the cleaning cycle takes quite a while." and that the machine won't work if constructed incorrectly. 

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He said this process may not be completed around 2 or 3 a.m., when staffing is low and consumers are few.

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"When I worked there we refused to fill [the machine] when we didn't feel like cleaning it during close," a user on TikTok. 

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