50% of the Subway Sandwich Chain Now Belongs to Charity

A 1965 $1,000 gift will pay off for educators today. As reported earlier this week, Dr. Peter Buck, the late co-founder of Subway, donated 50% of the company to charity.

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Dr. Buck died in November 2021, but his will donates half of the Subway empire to the humanitarian foundation he co-founded in 1999 with his wife

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The PCLB Foundation aims to "give motivated people the tools they need to help themselves." In addition to supporting K-12 public education in

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New York and Connecticut, the foundation grants to environmental, medical, and journalistic groups. In its own words, PCLB "looks to

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support the highest quality organizations that show initiative, leadership, and innovation in solving issues that impact individuals and communities."

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"This gift will allow the foundation to greatly expand its philanthropic endeavors and impact many more lives, especially our work to create

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educational opportunities for all students, which Dr. Buck cared so deeply about," PCLB Executive Director Carrie Schindele said in a press release.

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The sandwich giant Subway would not exist without Dr. Buck. In 1965, 17-year-old Fred DeLuca asked family friend and nuclear physicist Dr

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Buck for college funding guidance. Dr. Buck donated $1,000 to DeLuca's Connecticut sub-shop after they planned it.

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Sandwich history ensued, and the DeLuca and Buck families have remained friends and business partners.

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