10 Ways to Propagate a Spider Plant

Spiderette Propagation:

Spider plants naturally produce long stems with small plantlets, known as spiderettes, at their ends.

Water Propagation:

Change the water every few days to prevent stagnation and root rot. Roots will develop over a few weeks, at which point the plantlet can be transferred to soil.

Soil Propagation:

Alternatively, plant the spiderette directly into a small pot filled with well-draining potting soil.


If your spider plant has become overcrowded or pot-bound, you can divide the plant into smaller sections to propagate.

Stolon Propagation:

Spider plants also produce stolons, which are horizontal stems that grow along the surface of the soil.

Leaf Cutting Propagation:

Cut a healthy leaf from the mother plant and place it in a container filled with water or moist potting soil.


Layering is another method of spider plant propagation that involves burying a portion of the stem while it is still attached to the mother plant.

Air Layering:

Air layering is a propagation method that encourages roots to develop on a section of the stem while it is still attached to the mother plant.

Offset Propagation:

Spider plants may also produce offsets, which are small plantlets that grow at the base of the mother plant.

Pup Propagation:

Some varieties of spider plants produce pups, which are small plantlets that grow along the length of the stem.

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